1.8.2015 se  narodilo Abbi Pro Fortuna a Amonovi – Alpha of Shingamonga 11 krásných štěňátek /5 psů a 6 feneček

Společná fotogalerie štěňátek vrhu C klik na odkaz


Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

CYR Pro Amicitia 

Nový domov Rakousko

narozen 0:56

porodní váha 410 g

mini náprsenka 




Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

Cyril Pro Amicitia

Nový domov Maďarsko

narozen 1: 41

porodní váha 380 g

bez náprsenky 





Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

Caesar Pro Amicitia

Nový domov Česká Repuplika

narozen 1: 56

porodní váha 464 g

bez náprsenky , mini bílá čárka




Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

Cris Pro Amicitia

Nový domov Česká republika

porodní váha 460 g





Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

Cedrik Pro Amicitia Nový domov Slovinsko

narozen 6: 05

porodní váha 460 g




Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

 Cora Pro Amicitia   Nový domov Česká Republika 

narozena 2: 15 

porodní váha 468 g

náprsenka standardní 

červená S

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

Calie Pro Amicitia
Nový domov Česká Republikanarozena 5:00porodní váha 430 gmini náprsenka 





Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

 Camea Pro AmicitiaNový domov Česká Republikanarozena 6: 26

porodní váha 480 g

náprsenka standardní




Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

 Celeste Pro AmicitiaNový domov Slovensko

narozena 7: 00

porodní váha 480 g

mini náprsenka standardní






Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

 Carmen Pro AmicitiaNový domov Česká Republikanarozena 7: 54

porodní váha 465 g





letáček vrh c abbi amon



Dne 31.5. a 2.6. 2015 proběhlo krytí mezi

heartAmon (Alpha of Shingamoga) a Abbi (Abbi Pro Fortuna). heart

 Mating Multi.CH. INT.CH. Alpha of Shingamonga „AMON“ and Abbi Pro Fortuna 31.5.-2.6.2015.

img_9113_original DSC_0263



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